An Essential Guide - Contemporary & Modern Rugs

Contemporary rugs are a work of art in their own right. The definition of modern rug is much broader than the stylistic traditions established hundreds of years ago. This rug style can be as unique as the person buying it. Contemporary rugs can be easily distinguished from traditional rugs. While having a more sophisticated look, modern rugs can be lively, playful, formal or romantic. Regardless of color, pattern or style, modern rugs are unique in their own way. Features of Modern Rugs Design Some modern rugs resemble architectural blueprints, while others use bright colors, conflicting motifs, or geometric patterns. Most modern rugs have a bit of an Art Deco retreat, while others are completely unique works of art. By most definitions, modern rugs aren't like any other rug you've ever seen. The designs are generally simple and trendy. Modern rugs have bright patterns that extend over the entire surface, while others have more attractive images such as flowers or other sti...