Identifying the Origin of Oriental Area Rugs

When it comes to home decor, rugs can become an indispensable item. Changing trends in interior design have brought many types of rugs to market. Today, rugs come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and different materials. With so many options, it can be difficult to find the perfect rug for your home. However, choosing a rug for your home will become much easier if you are familiar with the different types of rugs available today. Before moving on to the different types of carpets available, let's take a look at one of the most commonly used rugs: " oriental rugs ". Oriental area rugs come in various shapes like modern and antique. Antique rugs are a great addition to a room with antique furniture. It should be noted that many countries produce oriental rugs based on traditional patterns. The origins of oriental rugs can be easily identified by looking at their designs. Now let's take a look at four common oriental rugs in use today. 1. The Persian Rugs Many people thin...